
Welcome to the UgarisMC store!

Here you can view and purchase all packages that we have to offer. To view the information on packages, the info is displayed after clicking on the 'Buy' button on said package(s).

How can I make sure my purchase is successful?
  • Enter your username correctly when the store asks you to enter it.
  • You must be online when you make a purchase to assure you receive the packages you've purchased.
  • If you're purchasing Keys or Items, or anything that takes up Inventory space, be sure you have enough space in your in-game inventory. 
  • If you're purchasing Rank Upgrades or Ranks, only purchase one at a time. Wait for the last one you purchased to credit to your account until you purchase another Rank Upgrade. 
  • Purchases may take up to 15 minutes to process.
  • Under 18? Ask for parental consent before purchasing anything.
What do I do if I don't receive my purchase(s)?

When you purchase anything from our store it can take up to 10 minutes to process and give you your items. You must be online in-game to receive your packages unless you are buying a package that says otherwise. If you have paid with an eCheck then it can take up to 10 days for the eCheck to clear, once it clears you will get your items within 10 minutes.

Refund Policy

Anything you purchase from this store is considered an intangible virtual item. We cannot recover the items you used when you purchased the package or the perks you have used. No refunds will be granted.

Dispute Policy

Attempts to bypass our refund policy via filing a dispute with PayPal, or your credit company, will result in you being permanently banned from our server, and the chargeback being attached to your account on EVERY buycraft store PERMANENTLY!

Privacy Policy

The information you enter upon checkout whether private or public will not be given out, exchanged, or sold. We collect your information for the sole purpose of tracking and verifying payments you make to our store.